If you are on #Twitter, you have heard about #oneword2016, the one word that you choose to be your focus for the year. This is my first time to participate & blog about this, so the word I choose really makes sense, and that is OPPORTUNITY. I am taking the opportunity to share a little of my journey. As a District Library Media Specialist, I am very busy with being the Librarian of Record for 10 Campuses. Many times, I get to feeling with so many ideas and so many to reach, that my job is impossible. That is outdated thinking. We all have programs, projects & snippets of ideas in constant flux. Instead of worrying about how everything will get done, I want to look at my year as a year of opportunity by seeing the glass half-full. I will say yes to exciting ideas and figure out how to get it done later, if necessary. Believing that I do have something to offer (an idea that I have had to work on for awhile) puts me in a better position to see the opportunities that are available outside my own head. If you haven’t figured out that you have something to share that others would want to know about, then get busy, you do! Tweeting and blogging will definitely have a life-changing effect on you first, then so many others. As you share, you begin to make new connections, friends and the opportunities start piling in. The #Twitter Educational Community is #beyondFabulous for support. There are chats of all types 24/7 that you can lurk to get your feet wet, then participate. Here are a few: #txlchat, #tlchat, #txeduchat, #txed, #kylchat and many more! I am embracing the Opportunity mindset because it promotes positive expectations, hopes & goals. For me, setting the bar high is necessary for any progress to occur. I want to Enjoy the Journey this year and I hope You Will Too!
TechSavvyLibrarian Jan